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    We recently made the difficult decision to stop making new shoots. This is for a few reasons;
    • Lack of profitability: In the last year we made a significant financial loss, and the next 12 months are looking similar. We had a few projects in the pipeline to increase our sales, but I am not confident they are enough. Unfortunately, some have been cancelled now (though the new Tour is going ahead).
    • Lack of the right models: We never properly recovered from moving to Europe in 2010. The loss of our backbone of regular Australian models is what we built our reputation on. I think we (and especially the models) did a good job over the last 13 years, but we’re finding it harder and harder to find the “right” models every month.
    • Time for a change for Garion: It’s been 23 years now, and I don’t look forward to work like I used to.
    We have a bunch of shoots made but not yet released, that we’ll be releasing over the next year or so, at a reduced update schedule or two releases per week from July 1 2023 (we’ve added a note to the signup page, so it’s clear to new subscribers).

    Customers who bought long-term subs may choose to request a partial prorated refund - or have their remaining subs’ time doubled so they get the same amount of content spread over a longer time period (The extension discount is only for people who had paid before July 31 2023 for access after July 31 2023). Complete the form at, and we'll get you sorted out.

    The site (and boards) will continue operating as normal. We’ll still offer a subscription option, but I expect some customers will switch over to using our Pay Per Scene system over time. I hope the site can keep running like this for a few more years, but I suppose time will tell.

    Thanks to all our models who shared their lives and sexuality with us over the last 23 years - I reckon we’re all amazed and blessed in equal measure for their courage and openness.

    Thanks to our staff and contractors, especially those who have worked with us over the last six years, since we “decentralised” from our office. Working from home was convenient for us all, but it came with an emotional toll and a lack of “easy” connection with each other - I am glad of our mega catch-up in Amsterdam in summer 2022. I thank you for your professionalism and commitment for your work to bringing the best shoots possible to our customers.

    And finally, thanks to our customers who have made this possible. Without you, we are nothing😍
    Last edited by garionhall; 20 September 2023, 08:51 PM. Reason: Clarified the scope of account extensions.

    Nearly twenty four hours have passed since Garion’s “Sunsetting” post and no replies? I am one of those who prefers the girls from “the old days” (ie the Melbourne days) and have only downloaded a handful of shoots from 2010 onwards (and most of them are Australian girls – Kate G is up there with my favourites). If my preferences are typical then it is not surprising the sales are falling/not covering costs. Garion says “We never properly recovered from moving to Europe in 2010. The loss of our backbone of regular Australian models is what we built our reputation on” but as has been said elsewhere the industry has moved on (even if the customers haven’t) and it is impossible to recreate those days. I am pleased to see that Garion hopes to be able to continue the site (albeit without new shoots) for a couple of years and I wish him well in that. A couple of final thoughts for the moment – are there any shoots from the Melbourne days that didn’t get released? Second, there must still be a lot of backstage material that might find a market but without being costly to put onto the website


      Hey @ilgnetra3, thanks for the kind words and support. Kate G is pretty good - have you seen her Guest Direction shoot with Hania? Pretty amazing!

      Yes, we'll be releasing Backstage shoots over the coming months, right up until backstage images from the shoots shot in July 2023 are released.

      There are no more Melbourne shoots to release.


        Hi Garion, sad news as I have been a follower of of this site from the early days ( Jamie xx).

        I am interested in your insights in how the industry has changed over the last 23 years, and what your predictions are?


          Sad to hear, really. I am here to support the production of healthy and sustainable porn and enjoy beautiful girls feeling good at what they do, and happily paid each month to support that goal. But unfortunately all things come to an end as it seems.


            Like lilgnetra3, I thought it was telling that such a significant announcement should have no responses for 24 hours. My feelings are the usual mixture when you lose a loved one: sadness and gratitude. Many, many thanks to the team and to all the models who've provided us with such enjoyment over the years. I will still be willing to have a subscription to the amazing back catalogue. On changes in the industry, is one problem that there is so much free porn available? Anyway, as long as I can till see all my gorgeous favourites, I'll be happy.


              Originally posted by dimble View Post
              Like lilgnetra3, I thought it was telling that such a significant announcement should have no responses for 24 hours. My feelings are the usual mixture when you lose a loved one: sadness and gratitude. Many, many thanks to the team and to all the models who've provided us with such enjoyment over the years. I will still be willing to have a subscription to the amazing back catalogue. On changes in the industry, is one problem that there is so much free porn available? Anyway, as long as I can till see all my gorgeous favourites, I'll be happy.
              I think there has always been a sizable amount of free porn available, perhaps newer models from the traditional "site subscription" to platforms like onlyfans and webcam sites?


                Originally posted by dimble View Post
                Many, many thanks to the team and to all the models who've provided us with such enjoyment over the years. I will still be willing to have a subscription to the amazing back catalogue. On changes in the industry, is one problem that there is so much free porn available? Anyway, as long as I can till see all my gorgeous favourites, I'll be happy.
                Hi, garionhall , Tahlia J once in an interview characterized an english customs officer, who came with a very red face into the office " a huge wank";she suggested,that he had seen just one of her films - this was a blunt sentence, frank and probably true, as I had enjoyed, trembling, her film with her boyfriend, I couldn't deny tbis fact.And I was gladly confident - Yes, I did it. Porn has been part of my whole adult life, but it never ever felt as positive and good and human as with your website Abby Winters.

                Many many thanks - and I wish you, as an experienced manager, will find a new, profitable good task.


                  We all knew that sooner or later it was going to happen, but frankly I didn't expect so soon. Very sad. The reason, I think, is what is called "disintermediation": models don't need a "publisher" any more, they prefer to run their own sites (which, of course, tends to turn amateurs into "professionals"). Probably most customers too prefer this kind of interaction... there are pros and cons, of course. I have to say that some of the best abbywinters updates of the last years were the so called "postcards". Technically less perfect, of course, but very fresh and enjoyable. So far postcards have been made by couples, but I guess they could be made by solo models as well. Could that be a new development for abbywinters? To publish mostly self-produced material, greatly reducing the costs? Does it make sense?

                  A couple of words regarding models from Australia or elsewhere (I'm from Europe, so I may be biased). No doubt australian models have something special, and abbywinters owes them most of its merits. However, there have been a lot of fantastic models after the move to Europe. Gretchen was one of the firsts, and, my god, I love that girl! The years around 2014-2018 have been particularly rich of incredibly beautiful, smart and fascinating ladies... at least to my taste. Also, australian models have always been a regular presence after 2010, with many wonderful new entries, including my all-time favourite Alexandra. So I think today it's hard to find "right" models because times have changed, not because of geography.
                  Having said that, there have been beautiful and lovely models recently (for example, I've enjoyed a lot some models from south America).

                  Whatever will happen, I will always be grateful to all the girls who have shared their beauty with us (and, of course, to the people who made all this possible).​


                    As dimble said, it is "the usual mixture when you lose a loved one: sadness and gratitude."

                    I've been grappling with this news for a few days, and I am still kind of not sure what to say here. Being a model and Model Liaison for the last 5ish years has been formative to who I am and who I will be.

                    A huge thanks to garionhall for being fearless enough to launch this project back in 2000, and wise enough to know when it is time to call it a success and close the book.

                    xoxoxoxxx always,

                    Kayla J


                      Wow, this is sad news. End of an era.

                      It's amazing it has been around this long. I've been checking out the site very regularly, since 2006 or so, it's always been what I consider my primary porno site. I even had some of the DVD releases back when buying those still made sense.

                      I've enjoyed all the different eras of AW, with so many quality models and fun shoots. And when possible, I've often "followed" favorite models from here to other sites when they have done shoots elsewhere, and the AW shoots are usually still my favorite shoots of the models, especially the photo sets.

                      I'm glad it will still be around a little while longer at least with the remaining newer updates & material and the archive of older material.


                        Although I somehow expected this to happen, it still is a shock to me. AW thoroughly influenced my sexuality and has been doing so for almost twenty years. I may write more later one, but for now I'd just like to share two thoughts:

                        1) Some people have uttered theories on why the site isn't as profitable anymore, but Garrion also said that it was increasingly difficult to find the "right" girls. I'd love to hear more about that. How exactly would you define "right" here and why has it become so difficult?

                        2) Is there any chance there might be some physical AW products as "souvenirs", maybe financed by crowdfunding. I was thinking about a coffee table book, a book with fans sharing their experiences or even objects such as pin-up posters.


                          I didn’t see this news until yesterday and I have been thinking about what to say.

                          I guess the first thing is that it’s very sad. I discovered AW through the photos that used to be published on a few free sites for advertising purposes and I think I first subscribed in about 2005. Those years in the latter half of the “noughties” were the best period for the site, and probably the best porn that I have ever seen.

                          I was shocked when AW moved to Europe. I hadn’t followed all the media hullabaloo and the legal action that preceded the move, but looking back on it, it strikes me as an enormous injustice that the media, with a mixture of insinuations and half-truths, effectively hounded out of the country the most ethical porn site there has ever been.

                          I agree that the site never recovered from the move. The classical “Abby girl” just doesn’t seem to exist outside Australia, or at least they are incredibly rare. (Quite probably they don’t exist in Australia any longer too — times have changed.) It became obvious virtually immediately that suitable models just were not available, and I know that I was very vocal about the changes that took place. I think what I said was mostly justified, but I know it wasn’t helpful, and I should have realised much earlier than I did that you were doing the very best that you could.

                          I wish you all the best, Garion, and I hope that whatever you turn to now will be successful and fulfilling.


                            One further thing I would like to say is thank you to garionhall and the team you have gathered around you. You've provided me and many, many others with a great deal of pleasure, and you've given thousands of models an opportunity to express themselves in a particular way. For many of them, it was a highly enjoyable and even empowering experience. There are some other sites around that treat models well, but none I think that provide that particular mix of excitement and – although this may seem odd in speaking of a porn site – innocence that was present in the early days. It was that which gave the site its charm, and which was lost on the move to Amsterdam. I have sometimes wondered what would have happened if you had "toughed it out" and remained in Australia, but that's something no-one will ever know, and it may not even have been possible.

                            Thank you, Garion.


                              Just read these news and I am shocked.

                              I can not believe that it is over now​​

                              Need much more time for handling this issue ...

                              Love Sabrina B 😂🤔🤔😂


                                Oh no, this is terrible news! I've suspected this was coming for a while now, but still it is quite a shock! I've been with AW since nearly the beginning, and it remains my favorite (and nearly only) porn site. I'm still figuring out how to process this news...


                                  Very, very sad news indeed! AW has been a big part of my sexual life for 13 years and brought me great pleasure. garionhall and all involved over the years in the site-thank you so much!

                                  But when you think about it, because of its vast archive, AW is not going away and will be giving me pleasure for a long time to come, regardless of no new scenes and models. I hope I will be able to access this huge library of beautiful and sexy erotica for as long as I'm alive or have interest in sex. In fact this is what I have been doing this year, going back and revisiting past pleasures and I have only scraped the service.

                                  Out of interest is there any recommended sites that do a similar thing to AW? Are there any sites that produce quality girl/girl and masturbation videos in the realistic and natural fashion of AW? I would like to check these out.


                                    Originally posted by georgexxx20 View Post
                                    Out of interest is there any recommended sites that do a similar thing to AW? Are there any sites that produce quality girl/girl and masturbation videos in the realistic and natural fashion of AW? I would like to check these out.
                                    That's the thing, isn't it? There is certainly no shortage of porn on the internet (much of it "free" though as a rule nothing is *really* free on the web); but virtually all of the porn out there is the same crap, cookie-cutter stuff with barbie- and ken-doll bodies going through all the same motions. There is also a good amount of actual amature stuff out there, people who are making themselves extra money by showing off and playing online. But there really is *nothing* in my experience, like Abby Winters: real, attractive people who enjoy what they are doing, frequently updated, and shot respectfully and very well with high production value.

                                    If anyone knows of something, let me know!

                                    There is clearly a market for this kind of site (witness myself and other AW subscribers), though it may be a bit "niche". What I would love to see (and would be willing to pay for) is a site similar to AW, but with more variety of body types, ages, and genders. If they build it, I will (ahem) come!


                                      at its peak (from the mid-noughts to the early 2010s) abby winters offered porn like no other, authentic and artful, genuine and well-crafted, and above all truly joyful.

                                      that is something in short supply these days, in every aspect of our lives. thankfully. we can still find some happiness here even today.

                                      all good things must come to an end. until then, I will be here till the lights go out.​ thanks Garion and the crew, and each and every one of the ladies here who shared their most intimate selves with us.


                                        Originally posted by smoothed View Post
                                        at its peak (from the mid-noughts to the early 2010s) abby winters offered porn like no other, authentic and artful, genuine and well-crafted, and above all truly joyful.
                                        You hit the nail on the head there, smoothed. Joy is what made AW unique in those days. Pretty much every model seemed to be there for fun, and pretty much every one of them seemed to be having an absolute ball. It wasn't anywhere else on the internet back then, and there's even less joy in porn now. I'm often tempted to speculate on why that is, and there are all sorts of reasons that come to my mind, but I suspect that the truth is that it's a whole combination of things.

                                        There are exceptions of course and many of them are on this site. Speaking purely for myself, the shoots of irene_a , kayla_j and Andreea are always a delight to look at and are not far removed from the spirit of former times. No doubt there are others, but those three spring to mind.


                                          Originally posted by georgexxx20 View Post
                                          Out of interest is there any recommended sites that do a similar thing to AW? Are there any sites that produce quality girl/girl and masturbation videos in the realistic and natural fashion of AW? I would like to check these out.
                                 is the only one even remotely comparable. exists and will do in a pinch, but the production quality is much more "standard porn". The girls are obviously what made AW, but it was definitely also the lighting, camera position, editing quality, and general production values. I'll probably miss that more than anything. Though is pretty good in that area too.


                                            As well as I Feel Myself, there's also Beautiful Agony, which is video only, with a stationary camera focussed purely on the face of a girl (and some guys) masturbating to orgasm. That can be quite exciting, although you don't see the girl's body at all.

                                            Yanks I think is video only. I usually prefer the stills to the video, especially since the move to Amsterdam.


                                              garionhall, I was wondering how it's going to work from now on. I'm a subscriber to the solo shoots on a recurring basis, and renewal is coming up in about a month. I currently have access to all solo shoots, plus boy/girl and a few other bits and pieces. Although no new shoots are now being produced, I would still be interested in having access to those that currently exist. Will that still be possible, and have you decided what the subscription rates will be for access?

                                              I presume others would be interested in the same information for other types of shoot, girl/girl and IMs.


                                                I'm really sad about this. I don't like a lot of what is out there, this is always my favourite site. Thanks for the memories. Thank goodness I have bought hundreds of shoots!


                                                  Originally posted by Jacksonpe49 View Post
                                                  Although no new shoots are now being produced, I would still be interested in having access to those that currently exist. Will that still be possible, and have you decided what the subscription rates will be for access?​
                                                  This is a good point. While I'm glad that access to the archives will remain available, and I'm ok paying for it (for a while ), it hardly seems fair to charge the old rates when there will never be any more new content. I mean, production costs will drop to zero, and it doesn't cost that much to host static media and a forum. The subscription prices should come down significantly, and people with > a month left in their subscription should have it pro-rated to the new price.


                                                    Garion made me aware of this thread the day he created it but it has taken me until now to look - I wasn't ready for this to be real.

                                                    I have been with for thirteen years. I can literally track my transformation from scatty twenty yr old to a slightly less scatty thirty something yr old, bad hair cuts and all, via Picture Of The Day. I have so much to be thankful for and so much I will miss. I hope you don't mind but I am feeling a bit nostalgic right now so thought I might share some memories.

                                                    I ended up here thanks to my bestie Satine. She found abbywinters ahead of a planned holiday to Australia and she called me up to take her application images (we spent hours on them). She was so excited by the quality of the images on the site and was desperate to be accepted (spoiler alert - she made the cut and did some great shoots down under).

                                                    The controversial move to Europe was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I was one of the first models to be shot over here and once I had a foot in the door I knew I wanted in. I had started working as a videographer for a few smaller websites in the UK and essentially badgered poor Chloe B (the model liaison at the time) until they let me in and the rest is history,

                                                    Side note on Chloe B. She smells of vanilla, its comforting and sweet in all the right ways. I was always really hungry at work as we shared a big office when I first began (you can see her and Kylie H shagging around that office here. Kylie and I job shared and also house shared in the early yrs and had a blast). Chloe is as lovely as you think she is and genuinely would say 'Crikey' at least twice a day! Our office was by the lift and the kitchen meaning all baked goods (and there were many) had to pass through us first!

                                                    Click image for larger version  Name:	awpotd-2010-10-27-mel.jpg Views:	0 Size:	94.2 KB ID:	684195

                                                    Satine and I snuggled up together on my first day. We took a cab from the station and were ripped off big time (added to the magic) but once we made it safely into the office we were fully taken care of. The office was always a safe space, some days we would joke about having to turn the lights off to make models leave at the end of the day - it was a fantastic atmosphere.

                                                    Click image for larger version  Name:	backstage_417_107.jpg Views:	0 Size:	108.0 KB ID:	684196
                                                    When I started the photographers were Jacki and Patience - unbelievably cool individuals! My Solo was shot in Jacki's apartment (we listened to Bowie as we shot) and I tried desperately not to show how intimidated I was by being with the cool kids!

                                                    Click image for larger version  Name:	g_dahlia_masie005.jpg Views:	0 Size:	107.9 KB ID:	684197Click image for larger version  Name:	g_dahlia_masie196.jpg Views:	0 Size:	110.1 KB ID:	684198
                                                    Sharing a onesie with Dahlia was one of the funniest experiences of my life, made double the fun due to Izzy being there behind the camera (check out the after video!). Speaking of After Videos, the on the spot tribbing tutorial I gave with Izzy following Carmina & Karlijn's girl-girl is pretty fun - we always had fun on set!

                                                    Click image for larger version  Name:	g_masie_twyla209.jpg Views:	0 Size:	94.8 KB ID:	684199
                                                    The sex I had with Twyla remains up there amongst the best sex I have ever had, there is a reason I was crying in the after video. She came into the office several years after this shoot and she snuck up behind me and touched my arms. At the time I was trying to look professional in my new role as crew so didn't react but inside I went weak!
                                                    Last edited by masie; 13 July 2023, 02:21 PM.


                                                      My evolution

                                                      I went from model to model liaison to shoot producer to shoot producer trainer to second in command - a wild ride and I am so grateful to everyone who invested time in upskilling me but especially to Garion. I came in with enthusiasm and a small suitcase and am leaving with so many real world skills. While the real world is looking rather vast and scary right now, I could not be better equipped to head out into it and succeed. Thank you for believing in me!

                                                      Click image for larger version  Name:	backstage_496_107.jpg Views:	0 Size:	100.8 KB ID:	684201
                                                      (It took me weeks to learn how to fold a giant reflector - skill for life!)

                                                      Some highlights !
                                                      Click image for larger version  Name:	P3020066.jpg Views:	0 Size:	67.9 KB ID:	684202
                                                      Marleen S was the first model I shot - twice the woman I am, I adore her! She was super strong and could carry two of the massive HMI lights by herself with ease which was both impressive and super helpful for vertically challenged me.

                                                      Click image for larger version  Name:	awpotd-2012-06-02-ams.jpg Views:	0 Size:	113.2 KB ID:	684203Click image for larger version  Name:	awpotd-2012-06-01-ams.jpg Views:	0 Size:	155.0 KB ID:	684204
                                                      The shoot I shot with Nichole outside was the first shoot I remember feeling like I had made gold. The sequence of her walking in the tall grass for the video pleased my soul. It was like a fancy washing powder advert! I also really cherish the experience I got capturing Nichole with Zina in their very intence Girl-Girl, fisting has never been so beautiful!

                                                      Nichole is someone who I will always think of legs first. She wore the shortest dresses to the office and always looked fabulous!

                                                      Click image for larger version  Name:	awpotd-2012-02-05-ams-01.jpg Views:	0 Size:	77.7 KB ID:	684205
                                                      The first year I was living in Amsterdam was a cold one - the canals froze and all the locals appeared in 100 yr old ice skates. This was hilariously the first time some of the Australian's had seen snow. I remember my boss asking me to walk her home one lunch time in the snow as she was scared of falling.​
                                                      Last edited by masie; 13 July 2023, 09:07 PM.



                                                        Click image for larger version

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ID:	684285

                                                        Summer 2013 the company moved to a new office space. So that production didn't stop the shoot team were sent to the far end of The Netherland with a van full of models to keep shooting (and Poppy my dog). It was amazing! We used to walk out into the dutch countryside untill we ran out of path and would shoot there. My favourite shoot that I captured was Gina J & Immie. Immie's orgasms are a thing of wonder and I loved getting to use the bikes at the start!

                                                        Click image for larger version  Name:	g_anjali_gala213.jpg Views:	0 Size:	104.6 KB ID:	684207
                                                        For Gala and Anjali Girl Girl I had the 'genius' idea to make the models sweat during the shoot (with their consent) as I thought it would look great. I sealed the doors and windows and turned the heating up to full. It worked, the models looked amazing! Unfortunately I didn't warn the second camera operator of my plans and the two of us were massively over dressed, we suffered! Apparently when you overheat your nose runs and I will leave the description there but it wasn't pretty! Perhaps fitting though. The first Girl Girl I helped to produce for was as a second video camera for Analyn & Annabelle Lee. It was a small space so I was placed on a chair against the wall to capture the action from on high. I didn't allow for the hot lights and hot bodies generating so much heat and had to raise a hand mid shoot for a pause as I was on the brink of fainting in my jumper - oops!

                                                        Click image for larger version  Name:	awpotd-2013-08-04-ams.jpg Views:	0 Size:	85.3 KB ID:	684208
                                                        I loved both the Solo shoots I did with Noor but especially enjoyed the mud prints she did on her body before she took a swim in the lake. This was a ten minute walk from my house, I love that via the website I can revisit several of the houses I rented and parks I walked in. The location for 'bikesexual' Poppy C's shoot was also just around the corner from my house. It was a great place to live - 40 minutes bike ride from the office.

                                                        Click image for larger version  Name:	awpotd-2012-05-11-ams.jpg Views:	0 Size:	124.2 KB ID:	684209
                                                        Carmina - I don't need to add anything more to that, she was and remains fantastic! Some of you might remember we used to have little videos that played in the top right corner of the website, explaining how tags worked. We used to ask every model to record one of these videos each time we saw them. I don't think Carmina's ever made it to the top spot as it was deamed unsuitable but in her charming Spanish voice she looks into the camera and hileriously said - Do it it right or die! Lol!

                                                        Last edited by masie; 25 July 2023, 08:36 PM.


                                                          Click image for larger version  Name:	awpotd-2012-04-01-ams.jpg Views:	0 Size:	149.2 KB ID:	684215
                                                          Ever wonder how they made all the letter banners - I assumed it would be some clever editor on a computer. Nope we just had a big bag of styrofoam letters in the office!

                                                          Click image for larger version  Name:	awpotd-2013-03-07-ams.jpg Views:	0 Size:	88.1 KB ID:	684216
                                                          Speaking of office storage. Above you will see Mary and Jane. They were created to help with Girl Girl training. They were stored in metal filing cabinets like bodies at a morgue. As hilarious as it was creepy. We had much fun with those ladies and they taught us loads!

                                                          Click image for larger version  Name:	podcast.png Views:	0 Size:	625.8 KB ID:	684217
                                                          The podcast. One of my personal favourite things I got to do at One of many good ideas that never hit the big time, I adored it and we had a real laugh. Thanks to this podcast I will forever know that chances of successfully inseminating pigs increases significantly when the pig has an orgasm and that some farmers use magic wands to give the girls a good time!​

                                                          Click image for larger version  Name:	POTD.22.08.2014.002_002.jpg Views:	0 Size:	96.6 KB ID:	684218
                                                          The foursome with the toy swap over (thanks Sabrina) was complicated to plan but remains a day and set of shoots I will always remember. (Rosa M & Yara & Gretchen & Noa).

                                                          I was lucky enough to be in the room while lots of classic abbywinters content was formed. Gretchen & Yara (when she put the belt around her neck I didn't know what to do, so sexy and models really into it but obvious health and safety concerns). This was another fun full circle moment as Gretchen's first Girl-Girl shoot was with me.

                                                          Shooting Rosa M and Misha in the bathroom. Bathroom shoots are hard as it's too small a space to always see your shooting partner. By this point Izzy and I could guess each other's movements with scary accuracy, it was like being one person in two bodies.

                                                          Hania & Lulu in the shower is one of the most visually pleasing things I captured I think along with Alba (also in the shower). A final Lulu highlight was her shoot with Claudia S when they revealed they had been to school together and hadn't seen each other since - what were the odds!

                                                          Ohh and following Izzy as she shot Samanhtha-Jane on a train. That day took yrs off my life I was so nervous standing watch. Amazing shoot though and Samantha looked like she had a blast!​
                                                          Last edited by masie; 13 July 2023, 01:51 PM.


                                                            The Locations

                                                            Always the top floor - always tiny weird half depth Amsterdam stairs. We had one location where there was a rope to pull yourself up into the room because the stairs were so steep!. I was a lot fitter in those days!

                                                            There are lots of fun abbywinters stories I can't share but now we are sunsetting, I think it is 'safe' to share this one. We had a location that was on the top floor of an apartment block. We had a key to the main building and the owner left us a key under the mat. We had a crew member (I won't name names) who had not been there before. They took a bunch of models to the location in the morning to shoot some intimate moment videos. Izzy and I joined them at lunch time with an additional model, who we had worked with elsewhere that morning. I went in with the model to carry her bag up. The stairs seemed fewer than normal. The decoration had changed, was that wall there previously - I went white - we were in the wrong apartment! I went downstairs white as a ghost and grabbed Izzy. You have never seen anyone remove models and gear quicker. As far as I know the owner we accidentally home invaded never found out.

                                                            We had a network of truly amazing home owners around the world who let us into their homes for working with none local models. One of my favourites had two cats, one of who was always on a diet. He would knock on the window when the models were having sex hoping for food.

                                                            Speaking of cats - we had a location with two hairless cats - do you know they are sticky. They used to sleep on the radiators and it was like cuddling ugly sticky hot babies.​

                                                            Click image for larger version  Name:	AWPOTD_2016_02_16.jpg Views:	0 Size:	85.2 KB ID:	684220

                                                            ​One of the locations had a book titled 'the big book of penises', models never failed to find this book and take a look. Great for backstage pictures!

                                                            Click image for larger version  Name:	awpotd_2012_12_2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	51.0 KB ID:	684221

                                                            The team
                                                            I had two work wives over the yrs, Izzy and Misha. The relationship you form when working on set is like no other, you become one and the same. I remember Misha took me to a make your own magnum pop up store to 'break up' with me when she decided to leave to focus on her other photography projects. I was so proud of her but I missed her.

                                                            abbywinters was family - especially as many of us were living in different countries to our blood families. As the years went on and the office was closed the family grew and as the Shoot Producer trainer / Senior model liaison I got to draw everyone together from afar. I am honoured to have gotten to collaborate, laugh and shared the experience with so many. I feel like a mother duck watching her ducklings fly away.​

                                                            Click image for larger version  Name:	awpotd-2013-06-03-ams.jpg Views:	0 Size:	87.3 KB ID:	684222Click image for larger version  Name:	awpotd-2013-05-12-ams.jpg Views:	0 Size:	90.2 KB ID:	684224
                                                            Attached Files
                                                            Last edited by masie; 13 July 2023, 08:50 PM.


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