A user suggested a new Fetish page, with this description:
See the full details and example media on https://www.abbywinters.com/fetish-s...m_contractions.
This thread is the place to discuss their proposal!
Description: View closeup video of the pulsating throws of passion as AW stars cum in all their orgasmic pleasure. These videos will show the detailed clit, labia, and perineum (AKA taint) view as the model cums.
Criteria for inclusion: These videos will not show squirting, body shaking, or single involuntary contractions of the nether regions, only orgasmic contractions.
Criteria for inclusion: These videos will not show squirting, body shaking, or single involuntary contractions of the nether regions, only orgasmic contractions.
This thread is the place to discuss their proposal!